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Today, retirement for me has centered more around to contributing to causes I believe in, volunteering for community projects, helping to promote this or that for the safety of the world we live in, with no pay.

In other words, I would like to somehow stop working for pay so that I can begin working for something I believe in and have wanted to do but can’t do for free. Before I had to think of the children’s tuition, the mortgage payments, the credit cards, etc. Everything had a price tag to it, or else we couldn’t survive.

But now the kids are grown up, we own our house and we have saved a little for ourselves. We have been living a practical, frugal life, and we have settled pretty well. Maybe it’s time we get more serious into this retirement phase of our life.

It’s time to review our retirement plans!

There are simple facts about our economy that we didn’t notice earlier in life that we should try to focus on now.

It’s not uncommon for us to expect that Social Security and our retirement savings are going to take care of us for the long-haul. That has been the case before!

But in this economy, that may not be true anymore, or if it’s still true, we may have to rethink our future slightly!

We should also be aware that advances in medical technology and an increased understanding of health resulted in people living longer. The truth of the matter is that it’s not uncommon for people to live up to or past age 90. The cost of living has increased dramatically due to medical and pharmaceutical costs. That’s why we need to be ready for higher cost and longer living in our old age.

Probably the biggest mistake anyone can make, is waiting too long to do anything. It is just as bad as not doing anything at all. It’s up to us to plan for our future retirement because we might be faced with some hard decisions later on. I am still a few years away from retirement, but I won’t wait until it’s knocking at my door before I prepare everything!

Often retirees are called upon to care for grandchildren and occasionally aged parents which fill their time. For many, it gives them more time to devote to hobbies or sports such as golf or sailing. On the other hand, many retirees feel restless as a result of their new situation. In our case,

In our case, our children are grown-up and our grandchildren live far away from us, so there is really no need for us to stay in one place. We can actually go wherever we please!  Now, that makes everything clearer for us!


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